How to find us
Our address is Wealden Crematorium, Horam Road, Horam, East Sussex TN21 0FX however some Sat Navs have trouble locating our postcode due to our “newness”.
If you’re using a Sat Nav – the best postcode to use is TN21 0LH. This will take you to the house opposite the entrance to the crematorium. You will see our entrance clearly marked but opposite your Sat Nav end destination.
We’re well signposted from both the north and south directions along the A267.
Approaching from the south:
Join the A267 at its intersection with the A22 at the Boship roundabout and proceed north for approximately four miles, you will find the crematorium entrance on the left just before you reach Horam village.
Approaching from the north:
Join the A267 south of Tunbridge Wells (at Cross in Hand if approaching from Uckfield or Heathfield directions) and continue south through the village of Horam. The crematorium entrance is approximately half a mile further on the right hand side, soon after the May Garland public house.
We have plenty of parking for 160 vehicles and a waiting room and toilets for your convenience.
By bus
If you prefer to use public transport, there is a bus service that passes right by our door along the A267 with a bus stop right outside the crematorium. It's worth warning the driver that this is where you would like to disembark.
The 51 & 51X Stagecoach buses run north and south from Eastbourne to Heathfield via Polegate and Hailsham.
Plan your Journey (external link)
By train
The closest and most convenient train station is Polegate (Southern Railway) just 8 miles from us. From here you can catch a bus or get a taxi from the rank outside the station.
Stonegate station (South Eastern Rail) is 11 miles from the crematorium on the London to Hastings line. You will need to prearrange a taxi from this station.
National Rail Enquiries (external link)